• 22 июля 2020, среда
  • Барнаул, 51°58′37.45″N 84°38′36.82″E

Alatyr Festival

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1693 дня назад
с 12:00 22 июля до 18:00 26 июля 2020
51°58′37.45″N 84°38′36.82″E

The festival July 22-26 2020 Altay, Siberia

Alatyr is a festival, focused on the spiritual unity of various cultures, studies,worlds and universes.

The aim of the festival is to provide a unity for the sake of keeping peace on the Mother Earth and for maintaining an ecological balance as well as our common prosperity.

The festival’s principle is also to create a sustainable platform for future generations, based on our ancestors’ knowledge and experience, on love towards all living creatures, respect, mutual support and kindness.


The custodians of sacred knowledge and different cultural traditions — shamans, magi, healers and flamen will get together in the common space of the festival in order to show their skills and to demonstrate the way different cultures can weave together into fascinating and incomparable patterns of the common universal Spirit, where each individual is a link/part of the Destiny chain.

At the festival everyone will get an opportunity to come in touch with the living bearers of ancient traditions, with their time-honored wisdom and knowledge.



The festival covers the following topics:

Traditions of shamanism from all over the world


Sorcery and witchcraft


Ceremonies and rituals


Teaching ancient knowledge


Musical concerts and mysteries


International folk art fair


The program of the festival will include:


Revelations of the shamanism philosophy and world view, witchcraft and magic of different flows. The cosmology of world nations. Shamanic initiation and attainment of shamanic vision. Ceremonies and rituals.


The world of trees and plants. The traditions of druids, Slavonic folk medicine and herbal cure.


Ecology of the planet and consciousness, the experience of eco settlements in different countries.


Study of language, formation of creative and conceptual thinking, Slavonic alphabet.

The ceremony of revival of spirits and conducting a unique ritual, leading to (Opening the White Way) good luck, prosperity, health and wealth.


Workshops on teaching throat singing according to Altai, Buryat, Tuvinian and Tibetan traditions. Unveiling the strength of the innate voice.


Dancing and singing. Ancient shamanic practices of movement and breathing. Dance of animals. The search of the spirit animal of power. Walking on coals. Walking and standing on nails.


The power of family generations and family values. Infertility healing. Children’s upbringing in different cultures.


The revealing of supernatural abilities. Clairvoyance, healing, going into contact with nature, clarity. Revealing creative talents for the future life.


The dark side of power. Work with a shadow and with a world of spirits in different cultural flows.


Painting and creativity. Workshops on painting spirit animals, creating national musical instruments.


Ritual clothing and shamanic costumes.


The holiday of tembrel. Sanctifying mucial instruments. “Alive” instruments of power.


ADDITIONAL PROGRAM (requires prior registration)

Workshop on creating a tembrel with your own hands.

A journey across Altai

Transportation in a musical coach from Moscow to Novosibirsk.


CONTACTS +79165322769


DATE-July 5-12,2019


TYPES of tickets:

Sandart: 7000 rubles or 105 euros

Includes: program 5 days of the festival, accommodation in the camp in your tent.

Children from 5 to 14 years 2000 rubles



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